Good practice


Hayet – “life” in Arabic – is a social cooperative that is born from the experience of those who have been involved in the CAS ( extraordinary reception centers) system facilities in Molise. Hayet wants to give life to projects for the reception of immigrants and disadvantaged people in general, promoting literacy, orientation, social, and

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Assessing the effectiveness of refugee integration courses in Athens

HELIOS is a pilot integration project (2019-2020) that aims to support beneficiaries of international protection to integrate in the Greek society. The project offers services promoting independent living, including rental subsidies, integration courses, employability support and integration monitoring.The consortium of METAdrasi, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) Hellas, and the National Center of Social Research (EKKE)

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Pilot Training Program for Afghan Refugee Women

The Solidarity Consultancy & Counselling Network implemented a pilot training program for 8 Afghan refugee women with an emphasis on Social and Solidarity Economy and Entrepreneurship. The program was assigned by the Greek Forum of Refugees and carried out with the support of an interpreter because all the participants were newcomers. For more info:

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Radio Refugees

Underrepresentation of refugees and migrants in the media leads to underrepresention in the political agenda, and the consequence is proposing and promoting a distorted image oft he group, facilitating hate and xenophobic speech. Founded in 2011, OurVoice is a German Radio based in Freiburg that offers weekly Radioshows in 6 languages , plus Workshops and

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Evaluation Framework for Successful Initiatives

In order to evaluate if an action or intervention or project has the potential to be successful, a SWOT-Analysis based Framework has been provided by Interkulturelles Forum Fulda e.V. The Framework is very easy to use, since it is made by a SWOT matrix filled in with key indicators, to be intended as examples of

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My Buddy and me

The project offers temporary support to children with a migration or refugee background through a special peer based relationship: the children are supported in their tasks or other activities by native young people – their buddy, their sponsor. The goal of this activity is to activate children’s own strengths, talents and self- confidence to go

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Haus Afrika e.V.

Haus Afrika e.V. – Association of intercultural organizations Intercultural support for children and young people in Saarbrücken Children and young people from different cultures meet after school in Haus Afrika to do their homework, to play, to spend time together. They can also have a healthy lunch. In addition, Haus Afrika offers children and young

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Forum der Kulturen – Stuttgart

Forum der Kulturen is an umbrella organization of migrant associations in Germany and was founded in 1998 on the inition of the associations themselves. The main objective of the Forum der Kulturen is to support cultural activities of migrants’ associations and to make them being more present and visible in the public life and among

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Parallelo – social & ethical enterprise

Parallelo is a project by Officina Casona, a social cooperative located near Varese, Northern Italy, in a building confiscated from organized crime.  It is also a web platform where you can get information and buy handicrafts. Their mission is promoting social integration of all kind of vulnerable people: migrants, unemployed people, people living in poor suburbs for

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EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals

Multilingual web-tool that should be used in an interview situation to get to know the individual, their skills, qualifications and experiences. It helps individuals produce a profile of their skills and helps advisers identify any recommendations or next steps. The information collected can be used to: support further assessment; form a basis for offering guidance;

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