Haus Afrika e.V.

Haus Afrika e.V. – Association of intercultural organizations

Intercultural support for children and young people in Saarbrücken

Children and young people from different cultures meet after school in Haus Afrika to do their homework, to play, to spend time together. They can also have a healthy lunch. In addition, Haus Afrika offers children and young people reliability (there is always someone there) and trustworthiness (there is hardly a topic that cannot be researched and exchanged, hardly a question that remains unanswered). Haus Afrika offers internships, training courses, seminars, courses etc. to learn professional skills and facilitate entry into the training and labor market.

Key objectives:

Promotion of intercultural and transcultural skills
Promotion of personal responsibility and performance
Empowerment and self-confidence
Enabling or expanding participation in social life
Support for integration into the training and labor market

Key activities:

Integration through cultural exchange
Lobbying for people with a migration background
Child and youth work

For more info:

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Target Groups

Key Features

Recommendations for usage

Target groups

Children and adolescents with and without a migration/refugee background.

Reccomendations for usage

Transferability factors
– Intercultural association
– Formal and informal intercultural skills
– Trained cross-cultural skills
– Local networking
– lobbying

Network membership
• NeMO e.V.
• AGHNiD e.V. (African health and HIV network in Germany)
• Network Self-Help Saar e.V.
• Saarland Youth Network Diversity

Key features

Founded in 1998, House Afrika is a non-profit association with about 160 members.
The board consists of 3 people. The staff includes a managing director (volunteer), a management assistant (full-time) and around 25 volunteers.
After 20 years of involvement in Saarland, Haus Afrika e.V. has developed from an association to an association-of-associations in 2013. The association currently includes 14 associations from different cultural backgrounds (Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Pakistan, Ghana etc.).
The association is a recognized sponsor of BAMF integration courses and a recognized sponsor of youth welfare according to § 75 SGB VIII.