Assessing the effectiveness of refugee integration courses in Athens

HELIOS is a pilot integration project (2019-2020) that aims to support beneficiaries of international protection to integrate in the Greek society. The project offers services promoting independent living, including rental subsidies, integration courses, employability support and integration monitoring.The consortium of METAdrasi, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) Hellas, and the National Center of Social Research (EKKE) has undertaken the impementation of integration courses for beneficiaries living in the metropolitan area of Athens, according to the project regulations produced by IOM. The integration courses are offered in Integration Learning Centers (ILCs) and each course cycle consists of 360 teaching hours for a period of six (6) months. They consist of two modules, one about the basics of the Greek language and one about soft skills, including cultural orientation, life skills and job readiness.

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Target Groups

Key Features

Target groups

Beneficiaries of international protection

Key features

The project offers services promoting independent living, including rental subsidies, integration courses, employability support and integration monitoring.