Articles posted by annainem


Hayet – “life” in Arabic – is a social cooperative that is born from the experience of those who have been involved in the CAS ( extraordinary reception centers) system facilities in Molise. Hayet wants to give life to projects for the reception of immigrants and disadvantaged people in general, promoting literacy, orientation, social, and

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Haus Afrika e.V.

Haus Afrika e.V. – Association of intercultural organizations Intercultural support for children and young people in Saarbrücken Children and young people from different cultures meet after school in Haus Afrika to do their homework, to play, to spend time together. They can also have a healthy lunch. In addition, Haus Afrika offers children and young

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The “Strengthen and networking of migrant organizations” conference successfully kicked off the “Social Cooperation” project in Stuttgart last 23rd of November

The last 23th of November 2019, over 400 people attended the federal symposium in Stuttgart , as the first out of several local events within the municipalities within this important project. Manne Lucha, Secretary for Social Affairs and Integration, stressed the relevance of the “Strengthen and networking of migrant organizations” conference due to its “important

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Forum der Kulturen – Stuttgart

Forum der Kulturen is an umbrella organization of migrant associations in Germany and was founded in 1998 on the inition of the associations themselves. The main objective of the Forum der Kulturen is to support cultural activities of migrants’ associations and to make them being more present and visible in the public life and among

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Newsletter 2

Il 18 e 19 ottobre si è svolto a Fulda, in Germania, il secondo incontro del progetto INEM. Il progetto sta attualmente iniziando la sua terza e ultima fase di implementazione, per cui i rappresentanti dell’intero consorzio hanno discusso i risultati ottenuti finora e hanno pianificato la fase successiva, con l’obiettivo di testare e convalidare

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EXTRATIVVU’ è “in onda”!

Siamo davvero elettrizzati! Lo scorso 14 dicembre abbiamo lanciato ufficialmente EXTRATIVVU’, il canale webtv del progetto INEM, su YouTube. EXTRATIVVU’ è EXTRA perché parla di persone extra-UE che vengono nei nostri Paesi, ma anche perché racconta storie straordinarie di coraggio, resistenza e speranza. Vogliamo che EXTRATIVVU’ trasmetta SOLO NOTIZIE POSITIVE, per combattere la disinformazione, la

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Il 14 e il 15 dicembre a Bologna, Italia, si terrà il MYGRANTSDAYS2019 – MIGRATION IS PROGRESS per mettere in contatto le persone coinvolte nella promozione dell’integrazione dei migranti in Italia e per celebrare la Giornata Internazionale dei Migranti che si terrà il prossimo 18 dicembre. Durante i 2 giorni di HACKATON imprenditori, creativi

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Parallelo – social & ethical enterprise

Parallelo is a project by Officina Casona, a social cooperative located near Varese, Northern Italy, in a building confiscated from organized crime.  It is also a web platform where you can get information and buy handicrafts. Their mission is promoting social integration of all kind of vulnerable people: migrants, unemployed people, people living in poor suburbs for

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In our hyper connected world, where you always have access to all kinds of information, it is surprising to know that there are areas where communication is still difficult, and this is not due to broadband. It happens predominantly in public administration and the third sector. Projects that succeed in achieving excellent results, sometimes even

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EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals

Multilingual web-tool that should be used in an interview situation to get to know the individual, their skills, qualifications and experiences. It helps individuals produce a profile of their skills and helps advisers identify any recommendations or next steps. The information collected can be used to: support further assessment; form a basis for offering guidance;

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