On 15 January 2020 the National Centre for Social Research (https://www.ekke.gr/) successfully organized at its premises (Athens, Greece) a Workshop in the framework of the project INEM (International Network for Migrants). The aim of the workshop was to train employees working with migrants in data processing through EKKE’s web platforms.
The participants represented three organizations with a long track record in actions with migrant communities. The Greek Forum of Migrants (https://www.migrant.gr/) is a network of migrant organizations and communities promoting migrants’ equal rights and fair treatment through actions targeting equal rights, social cohesion, and empowerment of migrants and migrant organizations, fighting against discriminations and racism. The Centre of Athens Labor Unions (EKA) is a regional Trade Union Organization that operates the Migrant Point EKA (https://www.accmr.gr/), which was set up in May 2006, with the goal of supporting migrants and refugees in the pursuit of equal access to labor and social rights. The Network for Employment & Social Care (https://www.dakm.gr) is a non-profit association with a great experience in developing and implementing counselling actions, focusing on socially vulnerable groups.
Dr. George Kandylis, EKKE’s researcher in the field of Urban Geography, presented the Panorama of Greek Census Data (https://panorama.statistics.gr), which is developed to enable access, increase analysis potential and permit the easy and detailed mapping of data for the last three censuses (1991-2001-2011). Dr. Kandylis gave concrete examples on how non-academic users and user-groups can make use of the census data in productive ways (for example, how to identify the settlements of migrants with a common background). Dr. Katerina Iliou, EKKE’s researcher in the field of Social Psychology and Dr. Manina Kakepaki EKKE’s researcher in the field of Political Science, presented Socioscope (https://socioscope.gr) a platform for the visualization and mapping of social and political data. The users can easily create their own graphs and maps, according to their interests. The two researchers showed to the audience how they could create graphs on social and political attitudes and values of Greek teenagers. The participants actively took part at the workshop raising also issues for reflection on the data use. They also committed themselves in organizing peer-to-peer learning with their communities and fellow-workers.
Dr. Giorgos Bithymitris, EKKE’s researcher and scientific responsible of the project and Dr. Ilias Nikoloulis, EKKE’s external associate, elaborated on the INEM’s project details and encouraged the participants to register on the website (https://inemproject.com/) and upload news and good practices relevant to the project’s aims and objectives. The three organizations have been formally invited to participate at the final conference of INEM that will take place in Athens, 18-20 March 2020.
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