On 15 January 2020 the National Centre for Social Research (https://www.ekke.gr/) successfully organized at its premises (Athens, Greece) a Workshop in the framework of the project INEM (International Network for Migrants). The aim of the workshop was to train employees working with migrants in data processing through EKKE’s web platforms. The participants represented three organizations
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The last 23th of November 2019, over 400 people attended the federal symposium in Stuttgart , as the first out of several local events within the municipalities within this important project. Manne Lucha, Secretary for Social Affairs and Integration, stressed the relevance of the “Strengthen and networking of migrant organizations” conference due to its “important
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Il 18 e 19 ottobre si è svolto a Fulda, in Germania, il secondo incontro del progetto INEM. Il progetto sta attualmente iniziando la sua terza e ultima fase di implementazione, per cui i rappresentanti dell’intero consorzio hanno discusso i risultati ottenuti finora e hanno pianificato la fase successiva, con l’obiettivo di testare e convalidare
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Siamo davvero elettrizzati! Lo scorso 14 dicembre abbiamo lanciato ufficialmente EXTRATIVVU’, il canale webtv del progetto INEM, su YouTube. EXTRATIVVU’ è EXTRA perché parla di persone extra-UE che vengono nei nostri Paesi, ma anche perché racconta storie straordinarie di coraggio, resistenza e speranza. Vogliamo che EXTRATIVVU’ trasmetta SOLO NOTIZIE POSITIVE, per combattere la disinformazione, la
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Il 14 e il 15 dicembre a Bologna, Italia, si terrà il MYGRANTSDAYS2019 – MIGRATION IS PROGRESS https://mygrants.it/it/# per mettere in contatto le persone coinvolte nella promozione dell’integrazione dei migranti in Italia e per celebrare la Giornata Internazionale dei Migranti che si terrà il prossimo 18 dicembre. Durante i 2 giorni di HACKATON imprenditori, creativi
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On 12 June 2019 G. Bithymitris, Researcher of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) visited the premises of the Migrant Point of the Athens Labor Center (EKA), the largest second-level trade union in Greece (http://www.eka.org.gr/). The purpose was to present the INEM project and establish a regular communication between the INEM’s network and EKA’s
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In our hyper connected world, where you always have access to all kinds of information, it is surprising to know that there are areas where communication is still difficult, and this is not due to broadband. It happens predominantly in public administration and the third sector. Projects that succeed in achieving excellent results, sometimes even
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