On 12 June 2019 G. Bithymitris, Researcher of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) visited the premises of the Migrant Point of the Athens Labor Center (EKA), the largest second-level trade union in Greece (http://www.eka.org.gr/). The purpose was to present the INEM project and establish a regular communication between the INEM’s network and EKA’s Migrant Point. Dr. Christina Theochari from EKA, summarized the basic actions of EKA in the field of migrants’ integration. Some information about Migrant Point EKA follows:

The Migrant Point EKA of Athens Labor Center was set up in May 2006, in collaboration with the GSEE Institute of Labor (INE / GSEE). The goal of the Migrant Point EKA is to help and support migrants and refugees to have equal access to labor and social rights.

The Migrant Point EKA participates in the Network of Information Services and Counseling of Workers and Unemployed, an initiative of the GSEE Institute of Labor, which provides information and counseling of employees and unemployed with emphasis and priority in the fields of social security, labor relations and employment.

The purpose of the Network is to provide reliable information and support to Greek and migrant workers on labor relations, insurance, as well as on employment and training issues.

The Network provides free information and consultation services and addresses

· to employees in the private sector in the fields of labor relations, insurance and employment policies, as well as issues of concern to employees in enterprises,

· to unemployed, in the fields of employment, education and training regarding their integration / reintegration into the labor market.