
Every day, throughout Europe, hundreds of people workers, psychologists, educators, volunteers work to find quick and reliable solutionsto the problems of social and economic inclusion of migrants. These solutions, which are often brilliant and easily repeatable, remain limited to the community that produced them, without being able to release their often high potential to the fullest.

The INEM project, an acronym of International Network for Migrants, wants to network these good practices to become the common heritage of all those working for the social and economic inclusion of migrants in Europe that it aims to maximize their results. After 18 months of work, INEM can boast of a catalogue raisonné of good practices, can count on the results of the experimentation of the most interesting ones and on an agreement that networks people, organizations and resources in three countries particularly committed to supporting migrants: Italy, Greece, and Germany.

This book, which is the result of the research, analysis, and experimentation work carried out in the INEM project, collects, exposes, and puts into circulation resources, energies, and solutions to facilitate the processes of inclusion of so-called migrants in Europe.

Each of the organizations involved in this knowledge management work – ATS Campobasso, ARES scarl, EKKE, IKF – shared information, projects, and materialsso that they could be used, enriched, and transferred to other realities. In the meantime, to support the cataloged practices, both tools and indicators have been analyzed in-depth, also in theory. The diversity of themes and approaches addressed reflects the different perspectives, experiences, and cultures of those who participated: as this is a project that celebrates diversity, we could not ask for better.

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